商品描述: The LF347 and LF347B devices are low-cost, high-speed, JFET-input operational amplifiers. They require low supply current yet maintain a large gain-bandwidth product and a fast slew rate. In addition, their matched high-voltage JFET inputs provide very low input bias and offset current.; The LF347 and LF347B can be used in applications such as high-speed integrators, digital-to-analog converters, sample-and-hold circuits, and many other circuits.; The LF347 and LF347B devices are characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C. The LF347 and LF347B devices are low-cost, high-speed, JFET-input operational amplifiers. They require low supply current yet maintain a large gain-bandwidth product and a fast slew rate. In addition, their matched high-voltage JFET inputs provide very low input bias and offset current.; The LF347 and LF347B can be used in applications such as high-speed integrators, digital-to-analog converters, sample-and-hold circuits, and many other circuits.; The LF347 and LF347B devices are characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C.